Thursday, May 2, 2013

Latest News (05/03/2013)

Slayer Guitarist Dies At 49: RIP Jeff Hanneman

Today, the official Slayer Facebook feed surprised us all with this: 
Slayer is devastated to inform that their bandmate and brother, Jeff Hanneman, passed away at about 11AM this morning near his Southern California home. Hanneman was in an area hospital when he suffered liver failure. He is survived by his wife Kathy, his sister Kathy and his brothers Michael and Larry, and will be sorely missed.
Our Brother Jeff Hanneman, May He Rest In Peace (1964 - 2013)
Last Rites is also devastated. Slayer is an institution, a universal favorite, a band that can only be described as godly. Jeff Hanneman's contributions to Slayer and to metal cannot be understated, but in times like these, it's best to let the man's talents speak for themselves.

Many fans of slayer are still devastated because of the loss of a another metal god. the whole metal industry is mourning because of his loss, but i know this is not the end of slayer as long they stick together they will still make good music.

Rest in piece, Jeff Hanneman -- metal is better because of you, and we will miss you.

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